Have you had difficulty with weight loss and maintenance? Do you ever turn to food for comfort, or to celebrate? Have you tried numerous diet programs and ended up gaining the weight back – and more?.

If so, it’s not your fault. No one has ever taught about WHY you eat the way you do. The causes and triggers that lead to overeating have never been addressed. Psychotherapy for emotional eating gives you the support and strategies you need to keep the weight off for the rest of your life. You CAN do this! A trusting, fun relationship with a psychotherapist can help, and that’s what I’m here for.

About Lynn Therrien

I’m a Registered Psychotherapist and received my Masters of Counseling degree from the University of Ottawa in 2008. I help clients lose weight permanently by helping them understand their relationship with food – what drives them to overeat and how eating meets certain emotional needs. Find out more about me and how I work.

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How I Can Help

Through a compassionate, supportive process, we’ll explore your emotional relationship with food and address your eating difficulties. I’ll help you change the sabotaging thoughts that get in the way of weight loss and maintenance, which is the one part that’s missing from most diet and weight loss programs.  You will learn coping strategies to deal negative emotions and thoughts, both can trigger you to overeat.  Find out more about individual psychotherapy and group sessions.

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